Jessica Heesen, Daniel F. Lorenz, Michael Nagenborg, Bettina Wenzel, Martin Voss. Blind Spots on Achilles' Heel: The Limitations of Vulnerability and Resilience Mapping in Research[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2014, 5(1): 74-85. doi: 10.1007/s13753-014-0014-5
Citation: Jessica Heesen, Daniel F. Lorenz, Michael Nagenborg, Bettina Wenzel, Martin Voss. Blind Spots on Achilles' Heel: The Limitations of Vulnerability and Resilience Mapping in Research[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2014, 5(1): 74-85. doi: 10.1007/s13753-014-0014-5

Blind Spots on Achilles' Heel: The Limitations of Vulnerability and Resilience Mapping in Research

doi: 10.1007/s13753-014-0014-5
  • Available Online: 2021-04-26
  • The mapping of vulnerability and resilience has become an important tool for vulnerability and resilience research. By definition, maps are selective representations. However, the predominant methods of mapping also have constraints. When addressing vulnerability and resilience, these limitations, barriers, and blind spots have to be taken into account. Some aspects cannot be easily mapped, such as specific forms of knowledge and interpretation, the processuality of vulnerability and resilience, the dynamics of social processes, the context of origin, the establishment of contingent interpretations, and so on. These limitations are not only theoretically important, but also are practically significant, since maps themselves become dispositifs. They are regarded as representations of reality, shape particular interpretations of vulnerability and resilience, and are used as a basis for decision-making. If the unmapped preconditions of mapping remain unconsidered, this can lead to problematic side effects.
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