Volume 11 Issue 5
Dec.  2020
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Article Contents
Laura E. R. Peters, Ilan Kelman. Critiquing and Joining Intersections of Disaster, Conflict, and Peace Research[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020, 11(5): 555-567. doi: 10.1007/s13753-020-00289-4
Citation: Laura E. R. Peters, Ilan Kelman. Critiquing and Joining Intersections of Disaster, Conflict, and Peace Research[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020, 11(5): 555-567. doi: 10.1007/s13753-020-00289-4

Critiquing and Joining Intersections of Disaster, Conflict, and Peace Research

doi: 10.1007/s13753-020-00289-4
  • Available Online: 2021-04-26
  • Publish Date: 2020-12-01
  • Disaster research, conflict research, and peace research have rich and deep histories, yet they do not always fully intersect or learn from each other, even when they investigate if and how disasters lead to conflict or peace. Scholarship has tended to focus on investigating causal linkages between disaster (including those associated with climate change) and conflict, and disaster diplomacy emerged as a thread of explanatory research that investigates how and why disaster-related activities do and do not influence peace and conflict. However, definitive conclusions on the disaster-conflict-peace nexus have evaded scientific consensus, in part due to conceptual, methodological, and interpretive differences among studies. This article highlights that this nexus would benefit from a more robust engagement with each field’s foundational research that explores beyond binary and crude distinctions. Examples are concepts of destructive and constructive conflict; direct, structural, and cultural violence, and their relationships to vulnerability; negative and positive peace; and the ideals and realities of peacebuilding and conflict transformation. This article demonstrates how integrated scholarship could open up and advance new lines of questioning, with implications for developing coherent research, policy, and practice. The article concludes by offering recommendations for how to better connect disaster, conflict, and peace research.
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