Special Issue
Integrated Disaster Risk Research of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau under Climate Change
The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent mountainous areas are featured with significant climate differences, diverse geomorphology, developed glaciers, and strong crustal uplift and river undercut. The complex natural environment has led to a variety of natural hazards and disasters, including earthquakes, rock/glacier fall, landslides, debris flows, flash floods, dust storms, and snowstorms. These hazards coexist, overlap, and interact, creating complex chains of disasters and cascading and compound events, and imposing great threat to local people and socioeconomic activities. Climate change featured with anthropogenic warming is altering the cycles of water, energy, and materials on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, leading to high potential risks in the future. It is of great significance to understand the interactions between different hazards, the formation of multi-hazards, disaster chains, and compound events, and their dynamics under climate change. We aim to call for efforts in understanding the mechanisms of triggering, cascading, and compound events, developing integrated assessment models for socioecological systems in this region, and projecting future climate change challenges. Integrated risk governance approaches for sustainability addressing the above challenges are also welcome.
Topics Covered
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
·Process-based modeling of disaster chains and compound events
·Integrated risk assessment models for multi-hazards, disaster chains, and
compound events
·Analysis of the dynamics of hazards and risks in response to climate change
·Investigation of the complex regional and global impacts of hazards
·Measures and effects of integrated risk governance
Important Deadline
Open for Call:
20 February 2022 – 30 September 2022
Guest Editors
Prof. Peijun Shi, Beijing Normal University, spj@bnu.edu.cn
Prof. Peng Cui, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, pengcui@imde.ac.cn
Prof. Tao Ye (for correspondence), Beijing Normal University, yetao@bnu.edu.cn
Other Information
·Submission Instructions:
·Journal Website:
·Submission Website: